Environmental Education

Environmental Education

Training community leaders with a deep sense of place, and the knowledge, motivation and skills to be agents of change in their communities

What We Do

Since 1998, the Prescott College Kino Bay Center Environmental Education and Community Leadership Program (EEP) has fostered environmental awareness, community stewardship and leadership skills that are directly linked to building the social capital vital to achieving conservation goals in the region. The EEP works with a popular education model, basing program on community context and priorities. Since 2000, the EEP has worked directly with more than 3000 people within a community of 8000, reaching 600 community members (ages 5-75) each year through classroom sessions, field activities, and community projects. The EEP also works collaboratively to offer community events, and workshops for teachers, education authorities, parents and other community members. Within the Comcaac community, the EEP facilitates the Biocultural Field School by connecting indigenous experts with students of all ages to deepen traditional knowledge, language and practices.